






作者:admin 来源:本站 时间:2018-07-27 00:14:28 浏览量:728

2013年4月19日--21日,中国最为知名的坚果炒货食品企业都将汇聚安徽国际会展中心,同时配套的原料、配料、机械企业也将悉数展示最为质量保证的原配料和最为前沿最为先进的生产加工、包装机械设备,为您共同呈现一场行业的盛宴。汇保机械-参展商品 电磁炒货机 大型瓜子机 大型煮锅 电磁烘炒设备  ◎这是一场涉及全行业产业链的最大展览会  ◎每年到场参观的专业观众数量逐年递增,第六届已有20000余人  ◎与行业协会紧密合作,促进行业交流  3大展区:(1)国际坚果炒货休闲食品展区;(2)食品原料、配料展区;(3)食品机械、包装设备展区。  4个关键:(1)绿色:注重食品的质量安全;(2) 品牌:注重企业的产品影响力;(3)创新:注重企业和产品的创造力;(4)发展:注重行业和企业的未来和方向。  5大优势:(1)品牌优势:紧抓坚果炒货行业发展所需,通过7年6届的潜心研究,已经成为行业内亚洲最大、中国唯一的旗帜性品牌展会;(2)背景优势:依托坚果炒货行业整体向上发展的积极态势,立足合肥这一“中国坚果炒货之都”的产业基础;(3)时间优势:掌握坚果炒货行业特色,充分考虑参观参展的便利,把每届展会的时间调整为上半年4月份,使得参展参观企业或个人都有充足的时间来进行筹备;(4)地理优势:合肥作为发展中的中部城市,承东启西,衔北接南,区位居中,而且作为国家产业转移基地,在交通、经济等各个方面都将有跨越发展;(5)主办优势:主办方既有中国食品工业协会和中国食品工业协会、坚果炒货专业委员会这样的全国性行业协会,又有合肥市人民政府的强力支持。  7个保障:(1)协会支持:全国性协会作为主办单位,地方性协会参与支持;(2)媒体合作:60多家网络、平面行业媒体合作宣传,充分整合媒体资源,扩大宣传;(3)点点直邀:项目工作组通过电话、传真、邮件等方式点对点直接邀请行业客商参与;(4)邮寄资料:为更好的传递展会信息,通过邮寄方式直接寄送展会邀请函和参观券;(5)分工合作:项目组根据展会需要,分为宣传组、招展组和专业观众邀请组;(6)同类展会:国内相关行业展会现场推广宣传本届展会;(7)专业活动:为更好的促进展会的延伸效益,展会期间主办单位将举办行业内的全国性会议。  大会继续以坚果炒货和休闲食品为基础,以产业链企业展示为重点,全面涵盖原料、配料、包装、机械等上下游企业。以往六届已经云集了包括安徽洽洽、浙江大好大、安徽真心、四川徽记、安徽小刘、芜湖傻子、杭州姚生记、宁夏厚生记、上海阿明、江苏阿里山、兰州正林、湖南嗑得响、浙江恒康、陕西金鸽、詹氏、福建百联、浙江华隆、安徽传文、北京霍氏、开封思瑞特、上海松川远亿、安徽捷迅光电、无锡布勒、山东飞龙、石家庄绿凯、广东广益、南京华扬、杭州盛华、郑州中星、上海鑫宇、华宝孔雀等数百家行业企业参展。On April 19, 2013 --21, China most nuts roasted seeds and nuts food well-known enterprises will gather in Anhui International Convention and Exhibition Center, at the same time supporting raw materials, ingredients, machinery enterprises will fully display the raw ingredients for quality assurance and the forefront of the most advanced production and processing, packaging machinery and equipment, for you to present a industry feast.Of it is a related industry chain of the industry as a whole the biggest exhibitionThe number of professional visitors each year to year by year, more than 20000 people of the sixth existingClose cooperation with industry associations to promote the industry, exchange3 large area: ( 1 ) the nuts roasted seeds and nuts food exhibition; ( 2 ) food raw materials, ingredients exhibition; ( 3 ) food machinery, packaging equipment exhibition.4 key: ( 1 ) green: pay attention to the quality and safety of food; ( 2 ): pay attention to enterprise product brand influence; ( 3 ): pay attention to innovation of enterprise and product creativity; ( 4 ): focus on the development of industries and enterprises in the future and direction.5 advantages: ( 1 ) the brand advantage : seize the needed nuts industry, through 7 years of painstaking research 6, has become the industry the largest in Asia, China's only flagship brand exhibition; ( 2 ) background advantages: relying on the industry as a whole to nuts positive trend of development, based on the Hefei this a " Chinese roasted seeds and nuts are" industrial base; ( 3 ) the time advantage: Master nuts industry characteristics, give full consideration to visit the exhibition facilities, the time to adjust each exhibition for the first half of April, the exhibition enterprise or individual has sufficient time to prepare; ( 4 ) the geographical advantage: as the central city in the development of Hefei, East and West, north to south, middle, location, and as the national industrial transfer base, in various traffic, economic aspects will leapfrog development; ( 5 ) the host advantage: both the China Food Industry Association and the China Food Industry Association Professional Committee of this, roasted seeds and nuts national industry association, and the strong support of Hefei Municipal People's government.7 Security: ( 1 ) association support: National Association as the organizer, local associations support; ( 2 ) the media: more than 60 network, plane industry media publicity, full integration of media resources, expanding propaganda; ( 3 ) little straight asked: the project team through telephone, fax, mail methods such as point to point directly to invite industry customers participation; ( 4 ) mailing information: for the delivery of exhibition information better, through the mail sent to event invitations and tickets; ( 5 ) Division: project team according to the need for the exhibition, publicity, exhibition group and invite professionals group; ( 6 ) a similar show: the domestic industry exhibition site promotion of the exhibition; ( 7 ) the professional activities: to promote the extension of benefits of exhibition, exhibition organizers will hold a meeting of national industry.Congress continues to nuts and leisure food base, with industry chain enterprises show as the focus, comprehensive coverage of raw materials, ingredients, packaging, machinery and other upstream and downstream enterprises. Six previous had gathered to include Anhui, Zhejiang, Anhui Qiaqia big heart, Sichuan, Anhui Liu, Wuhu emblem of the fool, Hangzhou yaoshengji, Ningxia Sheng Ji, Shanghai Amin, Jiangsu Alishan, Lanzhou Zhenglin, Hunan kedexiang, Zhejiang John Hancock, Shaanxi dove, Jane, Fujian Bailian, Zhejiang Hualong, Anhui news, Beijing, Kaifeng, Shanghai Sirui te Khodorkovsky soontrue, Anhui Jiexun photoelectric, Buhler Wuxi, Shandong dragon, Shijiazhuang green Kay, Guangdong Guangyi, Nanjing Huayang, Hangzhou Shenghua, Zhengzhou star, Shanghai Xinyu, Fobao peacock, hundreds of industry exhibitors.