





快递员配发 防护用品

作者:admin 来源:本站 时间:2018-07-27 00:14:27 浏览量:657

从2月1日起,北京遭遇了1月以来第三次连续性的雾霾天气,给邮政投递造成一定影响。市民为了身体健康可以减少外出,但邮政投递属外勤作业,投递员必须长时间在外工作。记者从邮政投递局了解到,该局为投递员配发了口罩、围巾等防护用品,并及时发放到一线投递员手中,叮嘱投递员出班时一定要戴好口罩,减少污染对身体的伤害。由于室外能见度低,外出投递存在一定隐患,投递局也提示投递员出班时必须控制好车速,认真观察道路情况,在确保自身安全的前提下做好投递工作。People out to get the newspaper this morning, maybe I will meet with unusual costumes to the postman. In order to cope with the haze weather, Beijing postal delivery Bureau as a postman allotted masks, scarves and other protective equipment.Since January 28th, Beijing has suffered since January third successive mist haze weather, to the postal delivery caused certain effect. Members of the public to health can go to reduce, but the postal delivery of field operations, the postman must long time at work. Reporters from the postal delivery Bureau understanding arrives, the Bureau for the postman allotted masks, scarves and other protective equipment, and timely payment to a postman hands, must wear masks told the postman out of class, to reduce the pollution damage to the body. Due to the outdoor low visibility out potential risks, delivery, delivery office also suggest the postman a class must control the speed, carefully observe the road conditions, do a good job in delivery to ensure their own safety under the premise.