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吃汤圆是我国人民欢度传统节日元宵佳节的一种传统方式,通常是将白糖、芝麻、花生等作为汤圆馅心,以下还将介绍一些馅心新花样可增加汤圆的风味。黑芝麻元宵馅心 一、主料:黑芝麻8份、花生仁1份、核桃仁1份 二、铺料:细白糖、油 三、制作过程:1、先把黑芝麻用清水淘洗干净,然后在锅里炒熟,并用擂钵将其捣细备用。(炒熟后再捣细芝麻会更香)2、将花生仁也炒熟,并去掉红色的皮,用擂钵捣细备用;将核桃仁也用擂钵捣细备用。3、将三样捣细的主料和细白糖搅拌均匀备用。(白糖的用量根据自己的口味调整,反正我是加的少少了)4、最后将油在锅里烧热后倒馅料里搅拌均匀(油可以是猪油、色拉油,其实最香最好吃的是用鸡油啦,鸡油要那种土鸡的鸡油,颜色很黄的那种,饲料鸡的油都是白色的了,不香)。这样就大功告成了,馅里还可以加些蜜饯,比如桔饼、冬瓜条,当然是要把它们切碎碎了再加进去了。花生馅心: 1、花生加少量油,小火炒熟、平摊晾凉;2、除去花生皮(你可以一边看电视一边做这一步,比较耗费时间),将花生仁放到榨汁机里,用磨干粉的刀打成花生粉;3、适量黄油融化,把花生粉和白砂糖倒入搅拌均匀,入冰箱冷藏到发硬,这就是不错的汤圆馅啦,做的过程就能闻到香味。叉烧肉汤圆馅心原料:广东叉烧肉300g、白糖500g、熟面250g、花生油50g、白酒20g。制作方法:1.先将叉烧肉切成小块(约黄豆大小);2.再将白糖、熟面、花生油放入掺和均匀;3.再放入少量水和白酒;4.最后将馅心搓成条,切成小块,揉成小团包入汤圆内即可。五仁汤圆馅心原料:瓜子仁、芝麻仁、松子仁、杏仁、桃仁各50g,红糖500g、熟猪油50g、熟面200g。制作方法:1.先将瓜子仁、芝麻仁、松子仁、杏仁、桃仁分别煮熟,擀碎;2.将面粉炒熟;3.再在五仁碎块中加入红糖、熟猪油、熟面粉混合均匀;4.然后加入少量水搓和均匀,揉成小团即成,包入汤圆内瘦肉汤圆馅心原料:鲜瘦猪肉500g、清水50g、面粉50g,姜汁、胡椒粉、盐、味精、香油少许。制作方法:1.先将鲜瘦猪肉剁烂;2.再放入面粉、姜汁、胡椒粉、盐、味精、香油;3.边倒入清水,边搓和,至成团即可,需注意:清水放入时应慢慢加入,同时要搓和,不可加多。腰果汤圆心原料:腰果200g、榄仁200g、白糖500g、熟面500g、色拉油100g。制作方法:1.先将腰果、榄仁分别煮熟,然后用擀面棍把它们擀碎;2.再加入白糖、熟面、色拉油掺和均匀;3.最后边倒入清水边搓和揉成小团即可。莲香汤圆心原料:莲茸馅500g、芝麻50g、猪油30g、香油少量。制作方法:1.将芝麻炒熟、擀碎;2.掺入莲茸馅、猪油;3.搓成小球。巧克力馅心原料:巧克力500g、糖300g、猪油50g、面粉200g。制作方法:1.将巧克力放入锅里,加入白糖、猪油、面粉,边加温边搅拌;2.然后揉搓成馅心。Eat the dumpling is a traditional way to celebrate the traditional festival of our country people the Lantern Festival, usually the sugar, sesame, peanut as dumpling stuffing heart, the following will also introduce some new tricks can increase the stuffing dumpling flavor.Black sesame dumplings stuffingOne, Main: black sesame seeds 8, peanut, walnut 1 copies 1 copiesTwo, paving: fine sugar, oilThree, the production process:1, the first black sesame seeds with water panning clean, and then in the pan fry, and the pound fine alternate with the mortar. ( cooked pounded fine sesame will be more fragrant )2, will be peanuts fried cooked, and remove the red leather, with Suribachi ramming thin spare; walnut kernel with Suribachi pound fine reserve.3, the three pound fine ingredients and fine sugar stir stand-by. ( the amount of sugar according to taste to adjust, own anyway I is small. )4, the oil in the pan and heat it stuffing mix ( oil can be lard, salad oil, in fact the most sweet the most delicious with chicken oil, chicken oil to the kind of chicken chicken oil, the color is yellow, feed the chicken oil are white, not sweet ).This can be accomplished, the stuffing can also add some fruit, such as oranges, wax gourd, of course, is to cut them up broken and then added.Peanut stuffing:1, peanut and a small amount of oil, low heat fry, spread cool;2, the removal of peanut skin ( you can watch TV and do this step, more time consuming ), will be peanuts into the juicer, by grinding powder swords into peanut powder;3, the amount of butter, peanut powder and white sugar into the mixing evenly, into the refrigerator to harden, this is a good dumpling stuffing, do process can smell the aroma.Barbecued meat dumpling stuffingRaw material: Guangdong barbecued meat 300g, sugar 500g, flour, peanut oil, 250g 50g wine 20g.Production method: 1 first barbecued meat into small pieces (about the size of soybean ); 2 the sugar, flour, peanut oil into the mixture; 3 and then put a small amount of water and wine; 4 finally Xianxin twist, cut into small pieces, bunched up into small groups in the package into the glutinous rice balls.Five kernel dumpling stuffingIngredients: sunflower seeds, sesame seeds, pine nuts, almonds, peach kernel 50g 500g, brown sugar, lard, cooked noodle 200g 50g.Production method: 1 first melon seeds, sesame seeds, pine nuts, almonds, walnuts are cooked, roll pieces; 2 flour fried; 3 again in the five kernel pieces add brown sugar, lard, cooked flour; 4 and then add a small amount of water to rub and uniform, bunched up into small groups namely, package into the glutinous rice balls.Lean meat dumpling stuffingRaw material: fresh lean pork 500g, water 50g, 50g flour, ginger, pepper, salt, MSG, sesame oil a little.Production method: 1 first fresh lean pork mince; 2 add the flour, ginger, pepper, salt, MSG, sesame oil; 3 side into the water, rub and, until the dough can, need to pay attention to: be slowly adding water into, at the same time to rub and, not more.Cashew Tang YuanxinRaw material: 200g, cashew nuts, sugar 500g, Terminalia 200g cooked noodles 500g, salad oil 100g.Method: 1 first the cashew, Terminalia catappa are cooked, then put them roll pieces with rolling pin; 2 to add sugar, flour, salad oil mixture; 3 the last edge into the water and rub and knead into small groups.Lotus soup CenterIngredients: lotus seed paste, sesame, 500g 50g 30g, a small amount of lard oil.Method: 1 sesame fried, roll pieces; 2 incorporation of lotus seed paste filling, lard 3 twist the ball.Chocolate XianxinRaw material: chocolate, sugar, lard, 500g 300g 50g, 200g flour.Method: 1 the chocolate into the pot, add sugar, lard, flour, while heating while stirring; 2 and then rub into the stuffing heart.