






作者:admin 来源:本站 时间:2018-07-27 00:14:36 浏览量:628

中国坚果炒货休闲食品暨配料、包装设备展览会就将在安徽国际会展中心拉开大幕,昨日,记者提前探营打探消息。猕猴桃酒、立体炒货工作间……好吃好用的东西还真不少,今天市民可以前去安徽国际会展中心一饱口福,炒货企业也可以到现场“淘”些好设备。提到酒,如果你所知的还只是白酒、红酒、黄酒,那你就out了,越来越多的果酒出现在酒品大军中,喝酒也开始走起健康路线。昨日,在安徽国际会展中心的布展现场,一款野生猕猴桃酒已经摆上了展台,深黄色的猕猴桃酒十分诱人。销售人员告诉记者,猕猴桃酒取自野生猕猴桃,采用全果控制自然发酵酿成。提起炒货机,不少人想到的都是一些既笨重又耗能的机器,在本届炒货展上各类炒货机械几乎都打上了环保、节能的“烙印”。 汇保炒货机械企业的负责人介绍,为了倡导节能、环保、安全、低碳的生产方式,他们的炒货机械采用电磁加热。他给记者算了笔账:“用油、气等 做燃料,每斤炒货需要花费燃料成本是0.15元,而用电每斤炒货的燃料成本只需0.07元左右。与用煤、气、油等做燃料相比,用电的能耗效率能提高 60%。”另外,电能可以通过风能、太阳能等转化而来,所以用电,可以做到零排放、无污染。Chinese nuts leisure food and ingredients, packaging equipment exhibition will be in Anhui International Convention and Exhibition Center opened the curtain, yesterday, reporters ahead of barracks to inquire about the news. Kiwi wine, roasted seeds and nuts between three-dimensional work ... ... Good good things really many, today, people can go to Anhui International Convention and Exhibition Center, a Sinseong-hoe, roasted seeds and nuts, enterprises can also to the scene to "cleanse " some good equipment.Referring to the wine, if you know the only liquor, wine, rice wine, you out, more and more wine in the wine in the army, drinking also started to go up health line.Yesterday, in Anhui International Convention and Exhibition Center exhibition site, a wild kiwifruit wine has been put on the stand, deep yellow kiwi wine is very attractive. Sales staff told reporters, kiwifruit wine from wild kiwi fruit, with full control of natural fermentation into.Mention of roasted seeds and nuts machine, a lot of people think are bulky and energy-consuming machines, in the roasted seeds and nuts show all kinds of roasted seeds and nuts machinery almost has the environmental protection, energy saving " brand ".The person responsible for conservation of roasted seeds and nuts machinery enterprises, in order to promote energy saving, environmental protection, safety, low carbon production mode, roasted seeds and nuts machinery them by using electromagnetic heating. He calculated pen Zhang to the reporter: " oil, gas as fuel, the fuel cost per kilogram of roasted seeds and nuts cost is 0.15 yuan, while the fuel cost per kilogram of roasted seeds and nuts of only 0.07 yuan. Compared with coal, gas, oil and other fuels, energy efficiency can be improved by electric 60%. " In addition, the electric energy can come through the wind energy, solar energy conversion, so the electricity, can achieve zero emissions, no pollution.