






作者:admin 来源:本站 时间:2018-07-27 00:14:03 浏览量:710

坚果炒货行业很多上规模的企业前几年抓住了市场机遇,企业得到迅速的扩张。但是随着市场扩张和市场竞争态势转变的同时,企业运营的营销平台并没有因此而改变,造成管理脱节、促销失灵、渠道政策失灵、仓储货运混乱、队伍管理混乱等诸多问题。近年来,随着我国经济的高速发展,国内消费市场的结构出现了整体升级的的明显趋势,我国休闲食品的消费也随之呈现出了快速增长的态势。也使得我国的炒货食品的市场空间更趋蓬勃。当越来越多的人群在每天的日常消费中都会或多或少的买上一些炒货食品的时候,炒货食品所引发出来的巨大的市场空间和丰润的经济效益前景也愈来清晰和明朗。也致使我国诸多人群纷纷购买炒货机,加入到炒货食品的创业之中来。从坚果炒货行业加工发展过程来看,坚果炒货行业对炒货机的节能,环保,质量,温度,速度都有了更高的要求。我们从以下几个方面探讨以下。一、从坚果炒货的加工工艺发展趋势来看,低碳概念,节能降耗已成为全球工业发展的趋势,炒货行业也不例外,电磁炒货机是目前世界上最节能最环保的炒货机械,碳排放为零。二、坚果炒货行业对炒货的质量也在精益求精,控制精确的温度可以保证炒货的质量。每一次炒制色泽、含水度都保证一致,保证产品的口感达到炒货质量的统一标准。三、人力资源的紧张、使得炒货机操作更简便、快速。总的来说炒货机将向智能化,环保、节能、省时、精确温度、炒货范围广、操作简便的方向发展。行业在发展竞争在加剧炒货机、炒米机配件、炒芝麻机装置、炒货机外壳、高精度炒货机控制碟阀及非标配件等产品的生产和销售。在行业摸爬滚打多年,对于行业的每一次变革与进步,项总都深有体会,在采访中,笔者在问及目前国内不锈钢泵阀管件行业的现状时,项总的第一句话就是:跟前几年比,现在业内的企业太多了,产品销售竞争太过激烈。现在社会是个信息爆炸的时代,企业在产品上遇到竞争对手在所难免,笔者觉得行业存在竞争,对于一些企业来讲反而是件好事。因为有了竞争,企业提高了产品质量,提高了服务质量,消费者也用更少的钱获得了更好或者更多的消费和服务。市场是一个“筛子”,行业在发展进步的同时,市场也在优胜劣汰着行业内的企业。对于一些有竞争力的大企业,通过竞争,企业规模变得越来越大了,知名度变的越来越高了。但对于一些不具备竞争力的中小企业来讲,可能就面临着被兼并或者是倒闭的风险。问及温州龙泽的核心竞争力时,项总说,“企业的核心竞争力是企业的生存之本,相比较于行业内别的企业,我们在产品的价格、质量、技术及售后服务上,有明显的优势。”技术领先方能制造出优质的产品技术工艺,是衡量一个企业是否具有先进性,是否具备市场竞争力,是否能不断领先于竞争者的重要指标依据。随着我国炒货机市场的迅猛发展,与之相关的核心生产技术应用与研发必将成为业内企业关注的焦点。据了解,目前,国内大约有3000多家炒货机和炒米机制造企业,数量居世界第一。但这其中多为低层次、小规模、家庭作坊式的企业,年销售收入达500万元的不足500家,年销售收入过亿元的企业仅有十几家,市场份额在前10名的企业市场占有率之和仅为8%~9%。由于产业集中度过低,造成了技术落后、低价竞争、缺乏有影响力的品牌等诸多不利因素,使得如此庞大的中国炒货机以及炒米机市场到现在还没有真正意义上的名牌。在企业的竞争中,成本和产品的差异化一直都是核心因素,技术的创新可以降低产品的成本,同样,新的生产方式也会为企业的产品差异提供帮助,如果企业能够充分利用其创新的能量,就一定能在市场中击败对手,占据优势地位。当然技术创新本身具有高投入、高风险性,因此在技术创新的过程中,必须通过建立良好的市场环境和政策条件,才能充分激发企业创新的内在动力,为企业创造最大价值。Nuts industry many large-scale enterprises in previous years to seize the market opportunities, enterprises have been expanding rapidly. But with the change of market expansion and market competition at the same time, the business marketing platform have not changed, resulting in many problems of management, promotion, channels from failure of policy failure, warehousing freight chaos, confusion of team management.In recent years, with the rapid development of China's economy, the domestic consumer market structure appeared to upgrade the overall trend, leisure food of our country consumption has shown a rapid growth trend. Also makes the roasted seeds and nuts food market space is China's booming. When more and more people will more or less time to get some roasted seeds and nuts food in daily consumption, economic prospects of roasted seeds and nuts food out caused by the huge market space and rich and clear and bright. Also led to many people in China have to buy roasted seeds and nuts, added to the roasted seeds and nuts food business.From the point of view of the development process of roasted seeds and nuts processing industry, energy saving, roasted seeds and nuts roasted seeds and nuts machine industry of environmental protection, quality, temperature, speed, there are higher requirements. Our discussion from the following aspects.One, from the development process of nuts trend, the concept of low-carbon, energy saving has become a global trend of industrial development, roasted seeds industry is no exception, electromagnetic roasting machine is currently the world's most energy-saving roasted seeds and nuts machinery most environmental protection, zero carbon emissions.The quality of roasted seeds and nuts, roasted seeds and nuts two industries are also refine on, accurate temperature control can guarantee the quality of roasted seeds and nuts. Every frying color, moisture content is consistent, ensure uniform standard product quality reach the roasted seeds and nuts taste.Three, human resources, make stir-fried cargo tension operation more convenient, fast.In general the roasted seeds and nuts machine to intelligent, environmental protection, energy saving, time saving, accurate temperature, roasted seeds and nuts range, simple operation direction.Industry in the development of the increase in competitionRoasted seeds and nuts, fried rice, fried sesame machine machine accessories, fried freighter shell, high precision control valves and non-standard accessories and other products of roasted seeds and nuts, machine production and sales. In the industry for the industry for many years, every transformation and progress, always have the experience, in the interview, I asked the current situation of domestic stainless steel valve fittings industry, a total of the first sentence is: in front of a few years, now the industry enterprise too much, product sales competition too too intense.Now the society is an information explosion era, enterprises encounter competitors in the product can hardly be avoided, I think the industry competition, for some companies it is a good thing. Because of the competition, enterprises to improve product quality, improve the quality of service, consumers have less money to get the better or more consumption and services.The market is a "sieve", industry in the development of progress at the same time, the market is the survival of the fittest in the industry enterprises. For some competitive large enterprises, through competition, the scale of the enterprise become more and more big, visibility becomes more and more high. But for some less competitive small and medium-sized enterprises, may be faced by merger or bankruptcy risk. Asked about the core competence of Wenzhou dragon Ze, total said, "the core competitiveness of enterprises is the survival of the business enterprise, compared to other than the industry, we in the product price, quality, technology and after sale service, have obvious advantages."Leading technology to create quality productsTechnology, is to judge whether an enterprise has advanced, whether to have market competitiveness, an important index according to whether can keep ahead of competitors.With China's rapid development of cargo market speculation, and related core production technology application and development will become the focus of attention of the enterprise.It is understood, at present, there are about 3000 homes stir-fry cargo and stir-frying machine manufacturing enterprises, ranked first in the world. But this one is the low level, small scale, lack of family workshops enterprises, the annual sales income of RMB 5000000 to 500, the annual sales income of over 100 million yuan enterprises only a dozen, market share of the top 10 companies market share and only 8% ~ 9%. As the industry concentration is too low, which resulted in many adverse factors of backward technology, low-price competition, the lack of influential brands, making such a large Chinese roasted seeds and nuts and stir-frying machine market to now no real sense of the brand.In enterprise's competition, differences in costs and products always is the core factor, technology innovation can reduce the cost of the product, also, the new mode of production will also provide help for different product enterprise, if the enterprise can make full use of its innovative energy, will certainly be able to win in the market, occupy the advantage position. Of course, technology innovation itself has the high investment, high risk, therefore, in the process of technological innovation, we must establish a good market environment and policy conditions, the inner power to inspire innovation, to create maximum value for enterprises.