






作者:admin 来源:本站 时间:2018-07-27 00:23:10 浏览量:417


迁西县位于燕山南麓,长城脚下,滦水之滨。迁西板栗是河北省传统特色农产品,至今有2000多年的栽培历史,独特的土壤和气候条件造就其绝佳的口感和风味,产品主要销往美国、日本、韩国、港台地区及上海、广州、东莞、深圳、大连等国内60多个大中城市,深受国内外消费者喜爱。 -东莞板栗连锁

迁西板栗外形玲珑,色泽鲜艳,不粘内皮;果仁呈米黄色,糯性强,甘甜芳香,口感极佳;富含维生素、胡萝卜素、氨基酸及铁、钙等微量元素,长期食用可达到养胃、健脾、补肾、养颜等保健功效,有东方“珍珠”和“紫玉”的美称,被日本人称为“中国甘栗的最佳食品”。 -东莞板栗连锁


许昌智工--电磁炒板栗机,专利产品 智能环保。欢迎来厂考察咨询。

Qianxi county is located in the south of Yanshan, at the foot of the Great Wall, Luan water lake. Qianxi Chestnut is characteristic of traditional agricultural products of Hebei Province, has more than 2000 years of history and culture, unique soil and climate conditions, to create an excellent taste and flavor, products are mainly exported to the United States, Japan, Korea, Hong Kong and Taiwan area and Shanghai, Guangzhou, Dongguan, Shenzhen, Dalian and other domestic 60 multiple cities, is popular among consumers at home and abroad. - Dongguan Chinese chestnut chain

Qianxi Chestnut shape exquisite, bright color, non stick endothelial; nuts were yellow rice, glutinous strong, sweet, excellent taste; trace elements in essence, amino acids, iron, calcium rich in vitamins, carrot, long-term consumption can achieve the efficacy of Yangwei, spleen, kidney, beauty and other health care, Oriental Pearl "and" purple "the laudatory name, known in Japanese as" the best food of Chinese chestnut ". - Dongguan Chinese chestnut chain

Qianxi chestnut YISHION natural wild growth, no chemical fertilizers and pesticides, farmers rely on picking up natural fruit harvest. Chestnut maturity, high sugar content, resistant storage, little moth. At present, Qianxi chestnut cultivation area of 600 thousand acres, 30 million strains, has been all through the pollution-free fruit production certification in Hebei Province, the annual output reached more than 20 thousand tons. In 2004, Qianxi county was awarded the "special prize of the chestnut industry top ten counties"; in 2005, Qianxi Chestnut that trademark was rated as "famous brand of Hebei Province".

Xuchang Chi Gong - Electromagnetic fried chestnut machine, intelligent environmental protection products. Welcome to visit the factory advisory.